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BagsCity 2.0 Has Gone Live!

BagsCity 2.0 has gone live with a new Magento platform built on Accelerator by Kemana >

Last year Bags City embarked on a digital transformation which included the strategic planning of a new Magento Commerce site. In partnership with Kemana, we have now successfully launched a new customer experience focused Magento site to better serve our growing customer base. Using the Kemana Accelerator we were able to get to market quickly on a Magento framework that is both expandable and dependable.” – Dimax Pradi, GM and Owner at Bags City

• Bilingual (IN and EN)

• Product on Sale

• Social Media Login (FB and Google)

• JNE Shipping Courier

• Realtime Shipment Tracking

• Store Locator

• Multiple Payment Channels such as Visa, Master Card, Gopay, Virtual Account

Reach out to our team for more info about how our Customer Experience focused Accelerator built on Magento, achieves such high conversion rates while launching in only a matter of weeks.

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