Growthops + Kemana Formalized Partnership

#Partnership: We are delighted to share the news of our partnership with GrowthOps Asia, a renowned marketing transformation solutions provider, bringing a wealth of expertise to redefine digital experiences across Asia.

Kemana and GrowthOps Asia have united forces to revolutionize the way businesses go to market within the dynamic digital landscape of Asia. This collaboration aims to empower brands with a seamless integration of Kemana’s Award-Winning Ecommerce solutions and GrowthOps Asia’s high-impact digital experiences.

“This collaboration signifies a pivotal shift in how brands connect with their audience across the diverse and dynamic markets of Asia. By merging Kemana’s Ecommerce expertise with GrowthOps Asia’s innovative marketing transformation, we aim to empower brands to thrive in the evolving Asian digital landscape.” Chris Benz, Kemana CEO

#Kemana #GrowthOpsAsia #DigitalTransformation #MarketingTransformation #Ecommerce #Innovation

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