Partnership Announcement: Vtex + Kemana

#Partnership: Kemana is pleased to announce our partnership with VTEX.

VTEX is a SaaS platform that enables brands and retailers to achieve faster time to market, reach their customers across any channel, and uncover new growth areas. VTEX is trusted by 2000 customers with 2500 active online stores spread across 38 countries.

“VTEX is excited about the expertise that KEMANA brings to our customers and their deep experience in the South East Asia market. VTEX is very impressed with the commitment that KEMANA has shown in understanding the breadth and depth of VTEX IO, the low code development platform from VTEX that enables brands to deliver the highest standards of Customer Experience” – Prakash Gurumoorthy VTEX APAC General Manager

#VTEX #Kemana #SaaS #Ecommerce #DigitalTransformation

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